Foundation Council

Burkhard Jung

Burkhard Jung


Lord Mayor of Leipzig

Andreas Nüdling

Andreas Nüdling

1st Vice Chairman

Member of the Board of Sparkasse Leipzig

Simone Emmelius

Dr. Simone Emmelius

2nd Vice Chairwoman

Günter Bentele

Prof. Dr. Günter Bentele

Professor Emeritus of Public Relations at the University of Leipzig, Chairman of the German Council for Public Relations (DRPR)

Jana Brandt

Jana Brandt

Programme Director of Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk public broadcasting in Halle

Hartwig Hochstein

Hartwig Hochstein

Former editor in chief of Leipziger Volkszeitung

Olaf Klose

Olaf Klose

Member of the Board of Sparkasse Leipzig

Claudia Nothelle

Prof. Dr. Claudia Nothelle

Professor of television journalism at Magdeburg-Stendal University

Butz Peters

Dr. Butz Peters

Lawyer and author

Stefan Raue

Stefan Raue

Intendant of Deutschlandradio

Bettina Schausten

Bettina Schausten

Editor in Chief of ZDF public broadcasting

Hannah Suppa

Hannah Suppa

Editor in chief of Leipziger Volkszeitung newspaper

Sandro Viroli

Sandro Viroli

Director of Landesfunkhaus Saxony of MDR public broadcasting

Rolf Westermann

Rolf Westermann

dfv Mediengruppe/Deutscher Fachverlag