Villa Ida talk with Konstantin Neven DuMont

Cross-media into the future of journalism

How the newspaper can survive in the online age

"The newspaper is not dead, it only has to change!" The printed newspaper is still the most important medium of public formation of opinion thinks Konstantin Neven DuMont, head of the Cologne-based media group M. DuMont Schauberg. The publisher talks about financial cuts, radical changes and perspectives of the third-largest publishing house in Germany. Among others, DuMont publishes the newspapers Frankfurter Rundschau, Berliner Zeitung, Mitteldeutsche Zeitung and Kölner Express.

On 20 January, Konstantin Neven DuMont follows an invitation of the Chair of Journalism I at the University of Leipzig to come to the Zeitgeschichtliches Forum (Forum of Contemporary History). The presentation followed by a discussion begins at 6:15 p.m. Admission is free. All interested parties are welcome to attend.

Subsequently, the topic will be consolidated within the series of Villa Ida talks supported by the Media Foundation. The registration for the round of talks can only be handed in to the University of Leipzig, Chair of Journalism I.

The event is part of the course of lectures "perspectives of journalism", during which well-known journalists such as Peter-Matthias Gaede (editor in chief of Geo magazine), Günther Nonnenmacher (editor of FAZ newspaper) or Georg Mascolo (editor in chief of Spiegel magazine) are discussing in Leipzig.

Next round of talks:
February 2010 Nikolaus Brender, editor-in-chief of ZDF (invited)

Dr. Lutz Mükke and Franziska Mükke Dähn;
University of Leipzig, Department of Journalism, +49 341 9735755 or -756