Bidding period of the "Axel Eggebrecht Prize 2010" has begun
The Media Foundation of the Sparkasse Leipzig announces the 10,000 Euro "Axel Eggebrecht Prize 2010". The award acknowledges the life work of German-speaking authors, who continuously enhanced the repertoire of the genre "radio feature" with their radio work.
The prize, which has been named after Axel Eggebrecht (1899-1991), a writer and journalist from Leipzig, has first been awarded in 2008 to the author Helmut Kopetzky from Fulda. Axel Eggebrecht decisively established the high standard of the art form feature in German radio, both in a radio-aesthetic as well as in a journalistic and ethical way.
The right of nomination of candidates is limited each to the feature editorial departments of the ARD, the Deutschlandradio, the Austrian and Swiss broadcast as well as to the academies of arts, the PEN Club, the German Institute of Literature at the University of Leipzig, associations of authors and journalists and registered literary and journalistic societies.
The prize will be awarded by a jury consisting of the following five members:
- Peter Leonhard Braun (chairman), freelance writer, treasurer Prix Europe, Berlin
- Helmut Kopezky, freelance writer, "Axel Eggebrecht Prize" laureate 2008, Fulda
- Dr. Peter Klein, head of radio drama and literature ORF, Vienna
- Heinz Klunker, former editor of Deutschlandfunk "feature", Berlin
- Linde Rotta, freelance writer, Leipzig
The jury’s decision will be announced in December 2009.
The award ceremony is scheduled for 28 January, 2010 in Leipzig.
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