The 2009 Günter Eich Prize, awarded by Media Foundation of Sparkasse Leipzig, goes to Eberhard Petschinka, born in Großmugl/Lower Austria in 1953. The jury's statement: "Anger and critical engagement also age. The literary executioners of each epoch must find their own language of form. The radio play author and radio director Eberhard Petschinka has succeeded in this in a convincing way. In his nearly 30 radio plays to date, he has put a large number of contemporary everyday myths to the test.
Eberhard Petschinka, born in 1953, lives in Vienna. Writer, painter, author and director of numerous radio plays. His radio play "Krok" was awarded the Prix Futura in 1995; "Rafael Sanches erzählt mir das Lied vom Tod" (1999) received the Radio Play Award of the War-Blind and the Premio Ondas in Barcelona. For "Splitter" (1999) he was awarded the Basel Radio Play Prize. His play "Blutiger Ernst" premiered in 2001 at the Burgtheater in Vienna. Prose: "zcirkus DERwünsche" - awarded the Karl Anton Foundation Prize for Literature in 2001. 1999 turn to film ("Casanova Matador") and painting (invitation to the Biennale Concart 2004 in Bolivia and 2005 to the 4th International Art Biennale SIART, La Paz - Bolivia 2005). His radio play "Santo Subito" (MDR/ ORF 2007) won the Prix Europa as "Best European Radio Play of the Year" in 2007 and the world's most prestigious radio play prize Prix Italia in 2008. Members of the jury were the Leipzig-based author and journalist Linde Rotta; the long-standing head of the Word/Background Division at Swiss Radio DRS 2, Martin Bopp; the media scientist Hans-Jürgen Krug; the media critic and deputy head of the feature section of the Kölner Stadtanzeiger, Frank Olbert. The jury was chaired by Christoph Buggert, radio play director at Hessischer Rundfunk (Hessian Broadcasting Company) until 2002. Further information on this year's winner Eberhard Petschinka can be found on his personal homepage at