Paul Kohl, born 1937 in Cologne, studied Theatre Sciences and German in Cologne and Vienna from 1960 to 1964. Between 1965 and 1970 he worked as an author and interpreter for various broadcasters in Brussels. Since 1970, Paul Kohl lives in Berlin and works as a radio author. His great narrating talent and the wide range of subjects is what makes Paul Kohl’s radio work unique. Since the mid 1980s he has been dealing with historical subjects (Steh auf, es ist Krieg. Vom Überfall auf die Sowjetunion/Stand up, we’re at war. About the German invasion of the Soviet Union, 1986); biographies (Der Fall Herbert Häber. Vom Politbüro in die Psychiatrie/The Herbert Häber case. From Politburo to psychiatry, 1999); contemporary history (Wer ermordete Alfred Herrhausen/Who killed Alfred Herrhausen, 1997; Ground Zero New York, 2002) but he is also interested in ecological topics (Strom vom eigenen Dach: Sonnenenergie/Electricity from your own roof: solar energy, 1994) and general cultural phenomena (Volles Rohr: Kampfbahn Autobahn/Full throttle: racing arena Autobahn, 1992). Paul Kohl does not give to much priority to himself or the results of his intense research, which he rather uses as the basis of his insistent questions. He unexcitedly renders statements and arguments into a precise language, carefully opposes them to counterarguments and arranges the outcome in a brilliant dramatic composition. The author never hides his own view on the subject. However, this careful arrangement of different elements still gives enough space for the listener to form his own opinion. Paul Kohl does not want to propagate the one and only right "truth", he rather tries to enlighten his audience with the help of information. Paul Kohl is also author of numerous books. Among others, his publications include Fulda Gap. Die Militarisierung Deutschlands (Fulda Gap. The militarisation of Germany), 1984; Schöne Grüße aus Minsk (Greetings from Minsk), 2011 or Nacht über Köln (Night over Cologne), 2011.